In the last few years we have made the following donations to local charities and organisations

If your organisation woud like to be considered to receive a donation, or to host a concert, please contact
Phil Jones, Chairman SMVC
David Critchley, Secretary SMVC
Rod Owen, Event Co-Ordinator SMVC

Beneficiarie of Donations from Stoneleigh Male Voice Choir.

Acorns Hospice

All Our Musicals

Bell Restoration

Cancer Research

Cancer Research

Stoneleigh Church

Comedy and Song

Community Project

Cov Res'ce Centre for the Blind

Coventry Food Bank


Defibrillator Training

Diabetic Society

Dogs for the Good


Good Neighbours Coventry

Helping Hands

Ken Readers  & VS

Leamington Christmas Mission

Lem Night Shelter.  Brit Blind Sports

Little  Ray of Sunshine

Leukaemia :

LWS Night Shelter

Medics to Medics

Motor Neurone Disease

Myton Hospice +

Royal British Legion

Rufus Friends


Salvation Army

Stoneleigh Church

Stoneleigh Roof Appeal

War S and Res.


 Waverley and Brunswick Hub